About Us

Brackenbush Unleashed was founded by a Victoria State Government grant through a funding round known as Pick My Project. Cheryl Jakobi and Sara Bailey were fortunate to have the dog park project selected by the local community and receive substantial funding to build this community asset.

Located on private rural property, Brackenbush Unleashed is a free to use park. Designed to give dogs and their families a place to explore, stretch their legs and get outside, off the leash and enjoy nature, the three different sections each have a different experience waiting for you:

  • Hills ā€˜nā€™ Hollows
  • Walk in Nature
  • Nervous Nellie Area

Brackenbush Unleashed has multiple watering stations so your pooch should never run dry! And to help look after our beautiful environment, compost stations are available in each section for dog poo disposal ā€“ please no plastic bags!

And for the humans, there are also toilets on site and ample parking.